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Get The Latest Atmospheric Model Data | Analyze | Visualize Easily


Visjobs offers plotting effective variables in effective way using atmospheric models.


1.1. Dependencies (Suggestion: Install these packages below using Anaconda, installing them using pip is not efficient.)

1.2. Pypi Installation

1.3. Github Clone

2. Usage

Once you installed visjobs, you can easily get the latest atmospheric model data including GFS, GEFS, and NAM. You can also get the GHCN(Global Historical Climatology Network) observation data for each station.

2.1. Getting The Xarray Dataset

GFS (0.25 Degree)

Get the latest 12 UTC GFS (0.25 Degree) 3 hourly Data. This wil return Xarray Dataset.

from visjobs.datas import get_MODEL
data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='12',latest=True,
                          model='GFS', hourly=False,
                          resolution = 0.25)
GFS (0.50 Degree)

Get yesterday’s 00 UTC GFS (0.25 Degree) 1 hourly Data. Change year/month/day with your yesterday (Available until previous week).

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(year='2020', month='09',day='03',
                          hour='00', latest=False,
                          model='GFS', hourly=True)
GEFS (0.50 Degree)

Get 3 days before’s 06 UTC GEFS (0.50 Degree) 3 hourly Data. Change year/month/day with your 3 days before (Available until previous week).

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(year='2020', month='09',day='01',
                          hour='06', latest=False,
                          model='GEFS', hourly=False)
NAM (12 km / CONUS)

Get the latest 18 UTC NAM (12 km) 3 hourly Data.

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='18', latest=True,
                          model='NAM', hourly=False)
HRRR (0.029 Degree / CONUS)

Get the latest 14 UTC HRRR (0.029 Degree) 1 hourly Data.

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='14', latest=True,
                          model='HRRR', hourly=True)
NBM_1HR (National Blend of Models / CONUS)

Get the latest 21 UTC NBM 1 hourly Data.

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='21', latest=True,
                          model='NBM_1HR', hourly=True)
NBM_3HR (National Blend of Models / CONUS)

Get the latest 13 UTC NBM 3 hourly Data.

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='13', latest=True,
NBM_6HR (National Blend of Models / CONUS)

Get the latest 16 UTC NBM 6 hourly Data.

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='06', latest=True,
Using DASK Chunks with Xarray (DASK library required to be installed beforehand)

You can also get the model data with dask chunks such as:

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(hour='18', latest=True,
                          model='GFS', hourly=False,
                          chunks = {'time': -1,
                                    'lon' : 80,
                                    'lat' : 80,
                                    'lev' : -1 })
GHCN Observation Data

Get GHCN Climatology data for station ID:’TUM00017064’ (Istanbul Bolge-Kartal). This will return Pandas DataFrame.

from visjobs.datas import get_GHCN as ghc
dt = ghc.get_data_with_station('TUM00017064')

For users want to easily access to Turkey’s station IDs, the code below will return avaliable IDs for Turkey

#this code is currently unavailable --> v0.0.15
ERA-5 (0.25 Degree)

Let’s say we want to get the ERA-5 0.25 degree hourly pressure and single data for date 2005-08-29.

from visjobs.datas import get_ERA5
username = 'rda ucar login username'
password = 'rda ucar password'
pressure_data = get_ERA5.get_pressure_variables(username, password, '20050829', ['u', 'v', 'z'], parse='all')
single_data = get_ERA5.get_single_variables(username, password, '20050829', ['ci', 'asn'], parse='all')

Do not forget that docstring provides variable codes (eg. u, v, z, ci, asn).!

Also by changing “parse” argument you can narrow down the area for the dataset only to Turkey. Such as:

username = 'rda ucar login username'
password = 'rda ucar password'
pressure_turkey = get_ERA5.get_pressure_variables(username, password, '20050829',  ['u', 'v', 'z'], parse='turkey')
single_turkey = get_ERA5.get_single_variables(username, password, '20050829',  ['ci', 'asn'], parse='turkey')

2.2. Arranging The Xarray Dataset

Visjobs has a function that will return desired model variables for some of the pre-defined specific world regions including Europe, North America, Australia etc.

Let’s say we want to pull MSLP and 500 mb Geopotential Height variables from our previously defined Xarray dataset for North America and Europe.

area_dict = get_MODEL.pick_area(
                            data, init_time=0, 
                            total_process=2, interval=1, 


With one code step forward you can seperate the data you choose into appropriate pieces:

mslp_NA = np.divide(area_dict['northamerica']['prmslmsl'], 100)
mslp_E  = np.divide(area_dict['europe']['prmslmsl'], 100)

height_NA = area_dict['northamerica']['hgtprs']
height_E  = area_dict['europe']['hgtprs']

2.3. Visualizing the Xarray Dataset

Until now, we show some of the capabilities of the visjobs. Yet, Of course the visualization of the data is maybe the most important part of the analysis.

So, now on, we will be writing a code that uses the abilities of the visjobs to get the dataset and arrange it. And then we will be visualizing it using visjobs easy_plot function.

Here we will be getting the latest 06 UTC GFS (0.25 Degree) data, picking the MSLP and 10m U,V Wind variables in the dataset and plotting them for Gulf Of Mexico.

from visjobs.datas import get_MODEL
from visjobs.visualize import easy_plot
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import proplot as plot
import numpy as np
import cartopy

data = get_MODEL.pick_data(latest=True, hour='06', model='GFS')

area_dict = get_MODEL.pick_area(
                            data, init_time=0, 
                            total_process=3, interval=1, 

#Seperate data
prs = np.divide(area_dict['northamerica']['prmslmsl'], 100) #convert to hPa
u10 = np.multiply(area_dict['northamerica']['ugrd10m'], 1.94384449) #convert to knot
v10 = np.multiply(area_dict['northamerica']['vgrd10m'], 1.94384449) #convert to knot

#calculate wind speed from u and v wind
ww = np.sqrt((u10**2) + (v10**2))

#indicate latitude and longitude
lon = u10['lon']
lat = u10['lat']

#get cmap
cmap = 'gnuplot2_r'

#start easy_job instance
m = easy_plot.painter()

#paint features
ax = m.paint_ax(1,1,1, check_proj=True)
m.paint_borders(ax=ax, res='10m', zorder=4, 
                linewidths=1.5, edgecolor='red' )

m.paint_states(ax=ax, res='10m', zorder=4, 
               linewidths=1.5, edgecolor='red' )

m.paint_lakes(ax=ax, res='10m', zorder=4, 
              linewidths=1.5, edgecolor='red' )

m.paint_land(ax=ax, res='10m', zorder=1)
m.paint_coastline(ax=ax, res='10m', zorder=3, 
                  linewidths=1.5, edgecolor='red')

m.paint_extent(ax=ax, lon_lat=[260,292,20,40])
m.set_lonlat(ax=ax, sizing=18)
m.set_size(ax=ax, a=21, b=19)

#set interval
wind_int = m.set_arange(0, 90, 2, method='arange')
prs_int  = m.set_arange(930, 1060, 2, method='arange')

#plot the pressure contour
mesh_hgt = m.plot_contour(lon, lat, prs[0], 
                          prs_int, colors='k', 
                          ax=ax,  linewidths=2, 
                          zorder=6, linestyles='solid')

m.plot_clabel(mesh_hgt, fontsize=30, 
              inline=1, inline_spacing=7,
              fmt='%i', rightside_up=True,
              use_clabeltext=True , 
              ax=ax, zorder=5)
#plot the wind contourf
mesh_2 = m.plot_contourf(lon, lat, ww[0], 
                         wind_int, transform='PlateCarree',
                         cmap=cmap,  ax=ax, zorder=2 )

#plot the colorbar
cb = m.plot_colorbar(mappable=mesh_2, location='right',
                     size='3%', pad='2%', ax=ax, sizing=17 )
#set validation times
valid = u10['time'][0].values 
valid = str(valid)[0:13]
init  = str(u10['time'].attrs['grads_min'])

#set titles
title1 = m.set_title(title='10m WIND SPEED (kt) | MSLP (hPa)',
                     ax=ax, fontsize=30, up=1.016, 

title2 = m.set_title(title='Init: {}'.format(init),
                     right=0, up=-0.1020,ax=ax, 
                     fontsize=21, style='italic', 

title3 = m.set_title(title='Data: GFS 0.25°'.format(init),
                     right=0, up=-0.0720,ax=ax,
                     fontsize=21, style='italic', 

title4 = m.set_title(title='Codes:',
                     right=0, up=-0.1320,ax=ax, 
                     fontsize=21, style='italic', 
                     weight='heavy', transform=ax.transAxes)

title5 = m.set_title(title='Valid: {}'.format(valid),
                     right=0.650, up=-0.0920, ax=ax,
                     fontsize=30, weight='heavy',
                     style='italic', color='red', 

title6 = m.set_title(title='visjobs', color='k', right=0.00690,
                     up=0.9652000, ax=ax, size=25, zorder=17,

plot result: